Author(s): Balaprasad P. Borade, Kishore C. Badgujar, Kalpeshkumar Wagh, Kalpesh More, Amol R. Pawar

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

DOI: 10.52711/2231-5691.2024.00028   

Address: Balaprasad P. Borade1, Kishore C. Badgujar2, Kalpeshkumar Wagh1, Kalpesh More1, Amol R. Pawar1,2
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Kian Vidya Prasarak Sanstha`s Institute of Pharmaceutical Education, Boradi, Maharashtra.
2Research Scholar, Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar -384315 Gujarat.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2024

This comprehensive review delves into the nutritional powerhouse that is rice bran, shedding light on its multitude of health benefits. The introduction provides an overview of the significance of rice bran in human nutrition, setting the stage for a deeper exploration. The subsequent sections delve into the nutritional richness of rice bran, highlighting its vital components, including essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Antioxidant properties of rice bran are discussed in detail, emphasizing their role in combating oxidative stress and promoting overall well-being. The review also delves into the impact of rice bran on cholesterol management, shedding light on its potential to reduce cardiovascular risks. The effects of rice bran on digestive health are elucidated, showcasing its positive influence on gut function. The extraction process of rice bran is examined to better understand its utilization in various applications. Determinations of gamma oryzanol and alpha tocopherol content in rice bran are elucidated, underscoring their nutritional significance. Finally, the review concludes by offering insights into the future perspectives of rice bran research, hinting at its untapped potential in nutrition and health. This comprehensive exploration serves as a valuable resource for researchers, nutritionists, and consumers interested in harnessing the nutritional benefits of rice bran.

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Balaprasad P. Borade, Kishore C. Badgujar, Kalpeshkumar Wagh, Kalpesh More, Amol R. Pawar. A Review on Nutritional Powerhouse, Exploring the Health Benefits of Rice Bran. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2024; 14(2):169-4. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2024.00028

Balaprasad P. Borade, Kishore C. Badgujar, Kalpeshkumar Wagh, Kalpesh More, Amol R. Pawar. A Review on Nutritional Powerhouse, Exploring the Health Benefits of Rice Bran. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2024; 14(2):169-4. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2024.00028   Available on:

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