Muskan M. Maniyar, Amol S. Deshmukh, Suvarna J. Shelke
Muskan M. Maniyar*, Amol S. Deshmukh, Suvarna J. Shelke
Department of Pharmaceutics, S.M.B.T. College of Pharmacy, Nandi-Hills, Dhamangaon, Nashik, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 12,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2022
In our five sense organs skin is the biggest organ which prevents entry of different foreign particles into the systemic circulation. For our body drug is also considered as a foreign particle hence it is difficult task to reach the drug into systemic circulation through the transdermal route without invasion. Now a day’s many novel formulations are present in the market which allows the transfer of drug through the transdermal route without invasion like liposomes, phytosomes, neosomes and ethosomes. But with the help of ethosome formulation it becomes very easy to transfer the drug into systemic circulation through the transdermal route. Large drug molecules can be delivered to site of action by ethosomes. Ethosomes are the bilayer lipid vesicles which allow the transfer of drug into the deep skin layers and into the blood. It contains large amount of ethanol and penetration enhancers are incorporated into it to enhance the rate of penetration. It contains the phospholipid bilayer with polar head and nonpolar tail. At the center ethanolic cavity is present which is filled with the hydroethanolic solution. We can incorporate all types of drug into the ethosome i.e., lipophilic, hydrophilic, and amphiphilic and this property makes it unique from other dosage forms. Further we can formulate cream, gel or patches of ethosomes. Cellutight EF, Nanominox, Noicellex, Supravir cream these are some examples of marketed ethosomal formulations. This review summarizes the types of ethosomes i.e., classical ethosomes, binary ethosomes and transethosomes. And also includes advantages, disadvantages, therapeutic applications, methods of preparation and characterization of the ethosomes.
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Muskan M. Maniyar, Amol S. Deshmukh, Suvarna J. Shelke. Ethosomes: A carrier for Transdermal Drug Delivery System. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2022; 12(3):225-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2022.00037
Muskan M. Maniyar, Amol S. Deshmukh, Suvarna J. Shelke. Ethosomes: A carrier for Transdermal Drug Delivery System. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2022; 12(3):225-8. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2022.00037 Available on:
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