Shivani Sharma, Manpreet Rana, Hitesh Kumar, Bharat Parashar
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Shivani Sharma1, Manpreet Rana2, Hitesh Kumar 3, Bharat Parashar4.
1Research scholar, Department of Pharmacy, Manav Bharti University, Solan (H.P).
2Research scholar, Department of Pharmacy, Manav Bharti University, Solan (H.P).
3Assistant professor, Department of Pharmacy, Manav Bharti University, Solan (H.P).
4HOD and Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Manav Bharti University, Solan (H.P).
*Corresponding author
Published In:
Volume - 3,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2013
Medicinal system of drugs is shifting towards herbal drugs so it’s time to come close to nature. Now a day’s diseases are spreading worldwide in various individuals due to various reasons it may be due to eating hobbits, stress, lifestyle or some other factors like geographical area also plays a great role in it. So we have to implement more and more natural products in our diet to get rid of diseases. Cancer, atherosclerosis, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s diseases are becoming common in our life. Antioxidants play a great role and are beneficial in our day to day life. Antioxidants acts as the body's first line of defense against damage from natural process called oxidation. Antioxidants have the property that they can protect from cancer. Plants are the main source of natural antioxidants, including several edible species. Among antioxidant molecules, tocopherols, carotenoids, ascorbic acids, and phenolic compounds stand out. Additionally, the antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables have been found to exhibit anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic. So, it’s the need of time to add more and more natural products in our diet for our better living style and to fight against various diseases with our natural products. And to cure various ailments with our own natural ways by adding natural products in our diet for our healthy living and prosperous living.
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Shivani Sharma, Manpreet Rana, Hitesh Kumar , Bharat Parashar. It’s era to move towards nature for getting beneficial effects of plants having Antioxidant activity to fight against deleterious diseases. Asian J. Pharm. Res. 3(2): April- June 2013; Page 103-106.
Shivani Sharma, Manpreet Rana, Hitesh Kumar , Bharat Parashar. It’s era to move towards nature for getting beneficial effects of plants having Antioxidant activity to fight against deleterious diseases. Asian J. Pharm. Res. 3(2): April- June 2013; Page 103-106. Available on: